Of (dqol) Diabetes Pdf Questionnaire Life Quality

Apr 10, 2018 · health-related quality of life among diabetes patients based on three main domains, namely, “satisfaction,”“impact,” and “worry. ” this instrument has been widely of (dqol) diabetes pdf questionnaire life quality used in diabetes research for decades. as a questionnaire to measure quality of life for patients with diabetes mellitus, dqol was reported to. Background. diabetes quality of life (dqol) instrument has been widely used to measure quality of life among diabetes patients. this study aimed to develop a revised version of dqol instrument that incorporated issues of redundancies in the items and strengthen the basis of validity of the instrument. methods. this was a cross-sectional study where diabetes patients were recruited from december 1, 2014, until end of march 2015 at a public health clinic in peninsular malaysia. a questionnaire that included patients’ information and dqol instrument was distributed to patients. item selection of dqol instrument was conducted to screen and finalize the items based on issues of missing values and redundancy. validity testing was conducted for the revised dqol instrument based on exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and rasch analysis. results. the pattern structure matrix yielded three domains similar to the original version with 18 items. the minimum factor loading Background. diabetes quality of life (dqol) instrument has been widely used to measure quality of life among diabetes patients. this study aimed to develop a revised version of dqol instrument that incorporated issues of redundancies in the items and strengthen the basis of validity of the instrument. methods. Version of diabetes quality of life (dqol) questionnaire for adult population with type 2 diabetes mellitus, ” malaysian journal of medical sciences vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 86 96, 2017.

A Short Form Of The Diabetes Quality Of Life For Youth

The methods were divided into three sections, namely, study design, item selection, and proof of the validity basis based on statistical measures. this was a cross-sectional study where type 2 diabetes patients were recruited from december 1, 2014, until end of march 2015 at a government health clinic (health clinic seremban 2) in malaysia. the validated revised dqol instruments [9 1. m. a. bujang, m. ismail, n. k. b. h. hatta, s. h. othman, n. baharum, and s. s. m. lazim, “validation of the malay version of diabetes quality of life (dqol) questionnaire for adult population with type 2 diabetes mellitus,” malaysian journal of medical sciences, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 86–96, 2017. view at: publisher sitegoogle scholar see in references ] were distributed to diabetes patients of (dqol) diabetes pdf questionnaire life quality attending their follow-up visit. besides dqol instrument, other information such as demographic profiles and clinical variables were also collected and analyzed. subjects’ clinical information were obtained from th A total of 536 patients have participated in the study. majority were females (53. 7%), of malay race (55. 8%) and married (84. 3%). the mean (sd) age was 56. 7 (11. 2) years. about 68. 1% of the participants have hypertension and 45. 7% of them have dyslipidemia. some of the participants have experienced diabetes complications such as retinopathy (5. 2%), nephropathy (3. 4%), neuropathy (1. 1%), and cardiovascular (4. 7%). for “satisfaction” domain, eight items were dropped out of 15 items. two items were dropped due to missing values more than 10. 0%. for example, satisfaction item 10 (s10), concerning satisfaction with sexual life, it was removed as sexual issues is still considered sensitive in malaysia and many people are uncomfortable to answer such question thus could lead to missing responses. six items were dropped due to issue of redundancy with items under “impact” domain such as items concerning food intake (s5 and i9) and burden to family members (s6 and i5). hence, the items retai

Health-related quality of life among diabetes patients based on three main domains, namely, “satisfaction,”“impact,” and “worry. ” this instrument has been widely used in diabetes research for decades. as a questionnaire to measure quality of life for patients with diabetes mellitus, dqol was reported to. The revision of the original version of dqol instrument is crucial especially when there are claims that the instrument is less sensitive to measure quality of life among diabetes patients [14 1. e. b. thomas, d. radhika, m. w. brian, g. debra, and m. g. janet, “development and validation of the diabetes quality of life brief clinical inventory,” diabetes spectrum, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 41–49, 2004. view at: publisher sitegoogle scholar see in references 23 1. u. bott, i. muhlhauser, h. overmann, and m. berger, “validation of a diabetes-specific quality-of-life scale for patients with type 1 diabetes,” diabetes care, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 757–769, 1998. view at: publisher sitegoogle scholar see in references ]. the claim is due to the findings from the dcct group when they first used the instrument and concluded that the dqol instrument failed to detect any significant differences regarding the association of quality of life towards various clinical outcomes such as status of glyc Diabetes quality of life (dqol) instrument was published in 1988 by the diabetes control and complications trial (dcct) research group [1 1. the dcct research group, “reliability and validity of a diabetes quality-of-life measure for the diabetes control and complications trial (dcct),” diabetes care, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 725–732, 1988. view at: publisher sitegoogle scholar see in references ]. it was initially developed for a multicenter controlled trial to investigate the effect of two different diabetes treatment interventions on the incidence and progression of early vascular complications. the dqol instrument which contained 46 items was used to measure health-related quality of life among diabetes patients based on three main domains, namely, “satisfaction,” “impact,” and “worry. ” this instrument has been widely used in diabetes research for decades. as a questionnaire to measure quality of life for patients with diabetes mellitus, dqol was reported to have very strong reliab

Pdf A Short Form Of The Diabetes Quality Of Life For Youth

See full list on hindawi. com. The most widely used is the diabetes quality-of-life (dqol) instrument (14,21, 25,26), which was used in the diabetes c o n t r ol and complications trial (dcct). h o w e v e r this measure did not detect any convincing diff e r ences re g a r ding quality of life between intensively and conventionally t r eated patients, despite diff e r ent.

Diabetes Quality Of Life Dqol Questionnaire

The aim of this study was to test the construct validity of the diabetes quality of life for youth (dqoly) questionnaire in a large representative sample of young people with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Speight j, woodcock aj, reaney md, amiel sa, johnson p, parrott n, rutter mk, senior p, smith r, shaw jam. the ‘qol-q diabetes’ a novel instrument to assess quality of life for adults with type of (dqol) diabetes pdf questionnaire life quality 1 diabetes undergoing complex interventions including transplantation; presented at the diabetes uk professional conference (liverpool, uk: march 2010).

Of (dqol) Diabetes Pdf Questionnaire Life Quality
Development and validation of the diabetes quality of life brief.

The data used to support the findings of this study are available from of (dqol) diabetes pdf questionnaire life quality the corresponding author upon request. Life as assessed with the diabetes quality of life (dqol) questionnaire [3]. however, separate analysis of the dcct data on the adolescent (aged 13–17 years at entry) subsample did show decreased school satisfaction and greater distress [4]. these results raised the question about the possibility of an association between glycaemic control.

A Revised Version Of Diabetes Quality Of Life Instrument Maintaining

Ment-focused version of the diabetes quality of life (dqol) questionnaire for use with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. research design and methods. questionnaire packets including the dqol, measures of current diabetes self-care behaviors, and demographic and health characteristics were mailed to 1,080 adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Diabetes quality of life (dqol) questionnaire content & face validity items derived from, literature review, clinical experience of health professionals and patients. limitations scales are conceptual, not validated by factor analysis. notes for consideration 16 questions assess school experience and family. In conclusion, a revised version of dqol instrument that maintains the conceptualization of of (dqol) diabetes pdf questionnaire life quality satisfaction, impact, and worry domains with only 13 items was successfully developed. future studies should be conducted to validate the revised version of dqol instrument in other languages.


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