Propolis Cancer X
Contact allergy to propolis dermnet nz. Brazilian green propolis may fight against cancer dynamic. Propolis Effectively Prevents Chemotherapyinduced Oral Propolis is advocated as a steroidand chemical-free natural alternative. natural therapeutic products containing propolis include mouth lozenges, cough syrups, ointments, lotions, drops and oral pills. propolis has been commonly implicated in contact allergies complicating chronic venous insufficiency (5%) and anogenital disease (2. 5%). food. as protective in coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer one flavonoid, chrysin, found in high concentrations in honey and propolis, has been shown to be an inhibitor of Kaempferol is found in pollen and has anticarcinogenic properties. 9 however, studies have indicated that kaempferol and other flavonoids do not play a major role in cancer prevention in general, although there might be an effect in male smokers. 10, 11 regarding propolis, two clinical trials have shown that propolis c...